The Infamous Beating That The Horsemen Gave Dusty In The Parking Lot, Part 1 of 2
The Infamous Beating That The Horsemen Gave Dusty In The Parking Lot, Part 1 of 2

The most famous "Horseman-style beating" that the Horsemen ever gave was the probably the time they followed Dusty's car to the offices of Crockett Promotions and jumped him in the parking lot. It was in late 1986 or early 1987. They even brought along their own cameraman with a video camera. Certainly, of all the beatings the Horsemen gave their enemies, this was my favorite.

If you'd like, you can download a 1.2M WAV file of the audio of the attack, and listen to it as you go through the pictures.

They tailed Dusty's car to the Crockett offices at a safe distance so the attack would be a surprise. Arn did the driving.

Arn and Ole jumped Dusty first. You can't really see it too well here, but Ole had a bat.

J.J. joined the fray as well.

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