Pro Wrestling Demographics
Adults That Watched Wrestling In The Last 12 Months
Gender Age HH Income Education Status Employment Residence
Men 62.6% 18-25 21.9% <=$15K 16.3% Not HS Graduate 13.3% Married 47.0% Total Employed 69.0% Own Residence 64.8%
Women 37.4% 25-34 19.9% >$15K-$20K 9.8% HS Grad 52.2% Never Married 33.5% White Collar 36.3% Rent/Other Residence 35.2%
35-44 28.3% >$20K- $25K 8.3% Some College 21.4% Prev. Married 33.5% Blue Collar 32.7%
45-54 15.5% >$25K-$35K 16.4% College Grad 13.0%
55-64 5.0% >$35K-$50K 23.6% Post Grad 5.5%
65+ 9.5% >$50K-$75K 17.4%
>$75K 8.3%
Adults That Watched A Wrestling Pay-Per-View In The Last 12 Months
Gender Age HH Income Education Status Employment Residence
Men 43.7% 18-25 15.7% <=$15K 13.4% Not HS Graduate 11.0% Married 49.3% Total Employed 70.8% Own Residence 66.1%
Women 56.3% 25-34 25.4% >$15K-$20K 8.2% HS Grad 47.7% Never Married 32.9% White Collar 43.2% Rent/Other Residence 33.9%
35-44 26.5% >$20K- $25K 9.7% Some College 24.5% Prev. Married 17.8% Blue Collar 27.7%
45-54 16.0% >$25K-$35K 16.9% College Grad 16.9%
55-64 8.6% >$35K-$50K 23.9% Post Grad 6.8%
65+ 7.8% >$50K-$75K 18.8%
>$75K 9.1%
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